Saturday, May 26, 2012

Jumanji Overruled

I went to stonehenge. I will use the rest of this post to talk about Navi. Navi is a sometimes useful game feature delivered in a very annoying way. Here, have a chart:
At a speech: what Marc Antony would say:
Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
What Navi would say:
Hey, listen!

What a sports announcer at an Olympic table tennis match would say:
Can you hear the crowds roaring?!
What Navi would say:
Hey, lis-
And that is how far she would get before someone tore her wings off and used her as a table tennis ball.
Then people would put her in a soundproof bag. Then a dog would tear it open and eat Navi. Then the dog would gain her powers to ANNOY FOREVER! Then I would let the dog join my friend brigade of happiness. We would together RULE THE WORLD. All the haters would be destroyed by our might!!!!!!11!!1oneoneone111!!!!1
Ok I'm good now.
* looks back at post *
Sweet jegus. What the heck.

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