Saturday, May 19, 2012

Real life conversations that actually happened 4-5

In science class....
Joe W: You are not working. you're actually anti-working.
Hugo: No. I'm doing extra credit.
JW: *points at extra credit worksheets* Bread
H: *takes a bite out of extra credit worksheet.*
A long time ago in a robotics session far, far away
(Background: Since i was not particularly good at building or programming, i was referred to as the shellac that held the group together. a program had just gone wrong.)
Roy: Hugo! You knew about the wrong turn?
Hugo: yes.
R: you're supposed to catch things like that!
H: Shellac cannot catch things, Roy.
R: it can if you mould it into a hand!
H: who moulds shellac into hands?
R: I DO!!

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